How can we increase the storage life of frozen foods

FrozenFood-shelf-life.na_300x300Frozen meals can be easily bought from your favorite grocery or supermarket’s frozen food shelf and most shoppers after getting them inside the cart and paid them for check out, the only thing that matters is to get them inside the freezer but really doesn’t have any idea on how the food should stay inside the freezer and keep it healthy for consumption.

It is a fact that most consumers take for granted the storage life of every frozen meal they chose to eat. For as long as they are affordable, gives vitamins and nutrients that the body needs and so convenient and easy to prepare, then a meal is done. But what about the ideal period of time it takes for these foods to stay and keep healthy inside the freezer?

There are standard period of time for every food item classification. Like for example, poultry products must only be kept for 8-12 months and beyond this time, sure you can still eat them but it will certainly be in a different state of taste and flavor. In order to increase the storage life of your frozen food inside your freezer the first important thing to do is to maintain a zero degree (0°) temperature.

It is in this temperature where bacteria can no longer multiply, thus slowing stopping the process for spoiling the frozen food. The next thing to do if you want to keep a longer time for every frozen meal inside your freezer is to strictly obey the “first-in-first-out” or FIFO system. For an effective FIFO system, make sure to put a label on every food pack or box marking the dates when you first get them inside the freezer. This manner you can easily monitor and manage the frozen food consumption and keeping them at the freshest state.

In case of frozen fruits and vegetables, make sure that when trying to take out some portion of these frozen food packs, make it quick and fast. Avoid getting your hands or any utensils such as spoon to get inside the pack in order to avoid direct contact on bacteria that they may contain and possibly transfer it inside the frozen food. Once you get them out of the freezer and opened them to get some portion, make sure that it is tightly closed and leak free. These are just some simple ways of keeping your frozen meals healthy to eat while keeping them for a certain period of time.

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